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Chaos Demon / Minotaur :: Super Smash Bros.

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Chaos Demon / Minotaur :: Super Smash Bros. Empty Chaos Demon / Minotaur :: Super Smash Bros.

Post  NemesisMoose Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:36 am

Playing as double melee can be pretty challenging in lanes, particularly when you're up against ranged nukers. Since you'll undoubtedly be in those situations from time to time, here's what it's most important to do in the early game as the Chaos Demon / Minotaur:
1. Stay on the defensive. Int heroes tend to dominate the early game, especially against a pair of str/melee. Your goal is to not die, to not get underleveled, to not give your gold to your opponents. Don't whack your opponents, whack their creeps (though I'm not saying a nice whirlwind strike can't hit both); and never miss an easy creep deny. Also, be aware that this build farms neutrals really well. And most importantly, don't die. Do this until level 6.
2. Skill build: Both heroes have a similar build skeleton: Get/level the ultimate; if not available get ability 1. If not available, get ability 2. If that's not available, get ability 3.
For Chaos Demon, Ability 1 is Triple Stomp, 2 is Chaos, 3 is Howl of Terror. For Minotaur, 1 is Bull Rush, 2 is Whirlwind Strike, and 3 is Fortitude.
3. Item build: I'd recommend getting an eye of sargeras asap. It'll give you some nice regen and oh-so-nice strength. Depending on circumstances, you may want to get different things from there. If you're against a very spell-oriented team, a spell guard(/Houdini's) could be worth it. Else, you can't go wrong with stacking strength. I'd only caution you about Soul Edge, but if you're a pro player you'll be fine. Alternatively, iceripper is always good. Infernal Cleaver doesn't have the nice slowing, but it's more strengthy and speedy. Boomstick is always good too. Get whatever you feel like.

AT LEVEL 6: Get Reverse Polarity and Chaos Whip. The latter is very important. Then, run as the Chaos Demon to behind some trees, or somewhere out of the way. And get good with Whip. Ready? Great! Chaos Whip an enemy hero to you. Immediately faceroll your W E & R keys. We want to use those abilities. Poor little agi/int hero gets a damaging hook, then inc stun (and stun and stun) and little tendrils of ouch. Probably before your tendrils finish, you should switch, to prevent him from escaping, and Bull Rush to chase (and moar stunz!), Reverse Polarity to pull back and damage moar, and Whirlwind Strike to Damage more. Big damage output in small amount of time. Bring an ally along for fun, or don't. You should own pretty hard. Be a sneaky assassin, and pick enemies off from their groups, or pick on those lonely stragglers.
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